Tuesday, March 9, 2010

TableGroup property

The TableGroup property on tables not just categorizes them. I know two cases where this property has influence on the functionality:
  1. Forceliterals keyword is added to the queries which contain two or more joined tables of group Miscellaneous, Transaction, WorksheetHeader or WorksheetLine.
  2. Record templates can be created only for the tables of Main or Group groups.

Are there any other cases where this property affects functionality?


  1. yes, it is also used in Admin Data Import/Export definition groups...
    When you create a new definition group, ax will use this setting in the include 'table groups tab' to generate the list of tables to use for this group!

  2. The Fill-Utility works only on tablegroup Main and Group

  3. Delete and update confirmation depends on the TableGroup as setup in Tools\Setup tab Confirmation.

  4. And all this is documented on MSDN where??? :-/

  5. Microsoft released beta version of archival tool for Dynamics AX. This tool uses the TableGroup property to distinguish master and transactional data.

  6. Thanks all for your cases. It is really interesting how widely this property is used. Unfortunatelly I've never seen this documented anywhere, so it's subject to fix:)

  7. Good to know - this was unknown to me yet.
